Competitor Conversions 
For data conversion from our competitors, please contact our office and we can help you with the conversion.

Conversion Partner
TwoPoint Conversions, Inc.
1800 W Larchmont Ave Ste 2W
Chicago, IL 60613-2448
Phone: (773) 248-2859
Fax: (773) 248-4525

Please Contact Me

Data Conversion Services

Converting and migrating your vital pharmacy data, patient records, drug/formulation records, insurance information, prescription history, sig records and other data is extremely important and must be done by competent data engineers who understand the importance and critical nature of data conversions.

At PK Software, we have years of experience and use many conversion tools. We have done over a hundred data conversions from other pharmacy vendors to The Compounder. We can convert many of our competitors' data.

You can trust your pharmacy data conversion to a team that is dedicated and knowledgeable.

Frequently Asked Questions

 How long does to take to do a data conversion?
 What is involved in doing a data conversion?
 Can you convert data from The Compounder Lab plus our current dispensing system into The Compounder Rx?
 What hardware/software should I have ready during the testing process?
 What should I do to prepare for the data conversion?
 What are the costs involved?

 Answer: How long does to take to do a data conversion?
The time involved greatly depends on the pharmacy and how much they need converted. If you are converting from another dispensing system, you should plan on about 6 to 8 weeks. 

 Answer: What is involved in doing a data conversion?
With simple data conversions, it basically requires us to access your existing data and start the conversion process in our office. When converting from another dispensing system, we use another company (Two Point conversions). In the TwoPoint conversion, they will access your data and then securely transfer it to us. We then import it into a TEST version of our software. You then have time to check the data in this TEST environment. Once you have confirmed that all of the data is transferred as expected we schedule a "go live date". This process involves you, Two Point and us. This generally happens on a Friday evening at the close of the day. TwoPoint will pull your data, convert it, send it to us, we will import it and then send it to your server. At this point you are ready to go live.

 Answer: Can you convert data from The Compounder Lab plus our current dispensing system into The Compounder Rx?
In some data conversion services we will convert data from The Compounder Lab plus the pharmacy's other data system into The Compounder Rx. This data conversion is more complex but we have done several of these. We start testing by converting your pharmacy data into The Compounder Rx. We let you look at the data first. We then convert your pharmacy data into The Compounder Lab. We then give this data to you to view. This gives you a good idea of what the data will look like after the conversion. You will notice that there are now two drugs in our drug database. One from The Compounder Lab and one from your old dispensing system. Both drug records contain valuable information. These records can be merged by the pharmacy.

 Answer: What hardware/software should I have ready during the testing process?
You should have all hardware (computers, printers, networking, etc.) done when viewing the test data. Try to use the software like you would on your “go live” date. This will give you a good idea of how you will use the software when you go live. Make sure that you have tested the prescription labels, batch labels, online billing (if doing online billing), etc.

 Answer: What should I do to prepare for the data conversion?
With all data conversions, you need to be aware that not all data will be converted. There may be some fields or data that cannot be converted or stored in a different field. We will always try to get all the data! It's best when you are going through the testing phase to closely watch both your old system and the new test system. Try filling prescriptions on one system and then fill it again in the other system.

 Answer: What are the costs involved?
For further information, please call 1-800-331-2498 or email

Conversion waiver and release form (PDF)

Information that gets converted (PDF)